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  • Location: Bristol, UK

CommandoFit Bristol is a functional fit/ personal training studio based just south of Bristol. The client needed a facility that catered for group training and one on one personal training. The facility was opened by a local ex Royal Marine Commando who had been doing group bootcamp classes and one on one personal training in the local area for several years.  


UKSF were responsible for supplying the full facility. The client needed an open area to conduct bootcamp, CrossFit and functional fitness style workouts. We supplied an artificial grass track for sled work, 20mm black gym tiles throughout a 24ft wall mounted rig and a range of strength and condition equipment as well as cardio machines. 


The installation was fairly straight forward, we sent a team of 3 to complete the work. It took our guys 1 day to lay the flooring and do all the cuts. The second day was the rig and final gluing of the tiles.  We aim to finish the majority of installations with 3 days. 


CommandoFit Bristol has maximised their space to get the most out of their workouts. It is professionally run and offer classes for all ages if you would like more information you can find them here: http://www.commandofitbristol.co.uk/homepage

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