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Business to Business Finance

Kitting Out Your Business with The Latest Equipment Has Never Been Easier

We've partnered with leading business finance company Johnson Reed to work with you to find the best way to fund your gym equipment.

You might think that brand new equipment is costly, but it doesn’t have to be! Equipment leasing is a fantastic way of getting finance on terms which are far more favourable than traditional bank lending.

Whether you are an established gym or leisure facility, a new starter, or a personal trainer, we can help provide the gym equipment you need.

Incredibly flexible, we finance everything from a single treadmill to a whole room of bikes. Keep ahead of the competition by leasing the very latest equipment.

Watch Our Latest Case Study Where Gym Owner Used Our Equipment and JR’s Finance

We’ve worked with Johnson Reed on a number of projects, watch our case study when Nikko from Rush242 CrossFit CCXLI secured our specially designed equipment and fit-out whilst using JRs finance. 

Nikko just leased it, securing specialist high quality equipment and allowing his business to grow from the off. JR’s flexible finance options meant that Nikko kept cash in his bank whilst he was hit with delays by site developers. Cash is king whether you are new start or established!

Why lease your gym equipment

There are many benefits to leasing or financing equipment:

  • Increase your profitability – leasing will enable you to maintain working capital and invest in other areas.
  • Maintain borrowing power – get the latest equipment to attract new members whilst preserving your credit lines with cash in the bank.
  • Get the latest equipment – attract more members which pays for the equipment itself.
  • Tax benefits – payments are 100% tax allowable, so you can offset against your taxable profits.
  • Fast decisions

A little more about our partners, JR

We chose Johnson Reed because of the amount of companies they've supported, especially in the health & fitness industry and their personal way of doing business. They can support on everything from single items through to a total refurb/fit-out and companies ranging from start-ups to global corporates. Check out the short video above and when you are ready just get in touch and we will get everything moving for you and your business.

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