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The Engine Room Part 2

  • Location: Central London

The Engine Room


St Bedes Hall, 



UKSF initially worked with the Engine Room in 2018. We helped design and install a fully modular racking system that enabled all PTs to train their clients simultaneously without obstructing each other. 


The Engine room contacted us earlier this year to help redesign their upstairs rowing room into a similar PT space due to the growing demand for their services. 

We were tasked to install several freestanding functional fitness rigs to allow for squatting and strength work. The package would include Olympic barbells, Olympic bumper plates, kettlebells, dumbbells, fractional plates, and free weight fitness benches. 


The installation of the gym equipment and free-standing fitness frames allowed the Engine Room to increase the amount of PTs, which in turn allowed the gym to increase their membership and monthly turnover. 

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