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Mental Health Matters

By Hannah Grimes on 06 May, 2021

For those who are unaware, May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness month, with the annual Mental Health Awareness Week commencing between 10th and 16th May.

What are the current statistics on Mental Health?

It comes to no surprise that at some point in our lives we have been impacted by mental illness to some degree; 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind every year, with 1 in 6 people reporting common mental health conditions in any given week (such as anxiety and depression)[1].

There are a few self-care techniques that can help manage symptoms of mental health problems: practising mindfulness, relaxation, being amongst nature, taking up a new hobby, meeting peers, practising good sleep, and staying physically active[2].

COVID-19 and Mental Health

The Coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on mental health. In a recent survey, over half of adults (60%) and over two thirds (68%) of young people have stated that their mental health had deteriorated during lockdown[2]. Since lockdown last year in another survey, 76% of Brits reported that they took up at least one new form of exercise[3].

Impact of physical activity on Mental Health


The impact of exercise on mental health and wellbeing is astronomical. Regular participation in physical activity can boost our self-esteem, aid in sleep, increase energy levels, improve mood with the release of endorphins, reduce intrusive thoughts stress and anxiety, and improve the quality of life for those experiencing mental health problems[4,5].

Here at UK Supreme Fitness, we have been encouraging the use of our products throughout the pandemic to improve both physical and mental wellbeing. This is so our customers can continue to smash their goals without the added stress and anxiety of being unable to attend a gym. Our most popular products through the lockdowns have been the barbell packages, bumper plates, kettlebells, and hex dumbbells.

4km for 6 days challenge


It gives us immense pride that our employees here at UKSF really care about the current mental health epidemic. Some of us at UKSF HQ will be taking part in a 4km in 6 days challenge through the whole of Mental Health Awareness week. This is to promote mental health awareness and so we can give back to charity. Our chosen charity is mind, a UK based charity whose mission it is to ensure all people experiencing a mental health problem gets the correct support and is respected.

Each day from the 10th-16th there will be a 4k run to complete to represent the 1 in 4 people who are impacted by mental illness each year. If you would like to join in the fun, or donate a spare bit of cash, head to the link below.



Useful Links

-        Campaign against living miserably (CALM): Tel: 0800 585858

-        Samaritans: Tel: 116 123

-        FRANK: . Tel: 0300 1236600

-        Mind Infoline: 0300 123 3393

-        Rethink Mental Illness: . Tel: 0300 5000 927

-        Stay Alive:






  1. McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T (eds.) (2016). Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric morbidity survey 2014.
  2. Mind (2020). The mental health emergency: how has the coronavirus pandemic impacted our mental health?
  3. Nuffield Health (2020) over half of Brits have taken up a new form of exercise during lockdown, with many vowing to continue with their new regimes.
  4. Mental Health Foundation (2021) How to look after your mental health using exercise.
  5. Mind (2019) Physical Activity and your Mental Health.
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