The 2025 CrossFit Open
The 2025 CrossFit Open has come to a thrilling conclusion, challenging athletes worldwide with three distinct workouts: 25.1, 25.2, and 25.3. Each test showcased the community's resilience, strength, and dedication. Let's delve into each workout, its specifics, and highlight the standout performances.CrossFit Games
Workout 25.1: A Test of Endurance and Strength
Workout Details:
For time, with a 15-minute cap:
- 3 burpeesCrossFit Games
- 3 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads (50/35 lb)
- 30-ft walking lunges
- 6 burpees
- 6 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads
- 30-ft walking lunges
- 9 burpees
- 9 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads
- 30-ft walking lunges
- ...continue increasing by 3 reps each round until time expires.
Equipment Required:
- Dumbbell ( for men, 15kg for women)The Program
- Tape for marking lunges
Top Performers:
- Colten Mertens - 361 reps
- Colin Bosshard - 358 reps
- Dallin Pepper - 348 reps
Note: These results were highlighted during the live announcement of 25.1. YouTube+2CrossFit Games+2YouTube+2
Workout 25.2: Revisiting a Classic
Workout Details:
For time, with a 12-minute cap:Anabel Avila+1CrossFit Games+1
- 21 pull-ups
- 42 double-unders
- 21 thrusters (95/65 lb)
- 18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 36 double-unders
- 18 thrusters (115/85 lb)
- 15 bar muscle-ups
- 30 double-unders
- 15 thrusters (135/95 lb)
Equipment Required:
- Barbell with appropriate weights and collars
- Pull-up bar
- Speed Rope
Top Performers:
- Colten Mertens: 4:01
- Jace Peck: 4:18
- Mirjam Von Rohr: 4:18
- Erica Folo: 4:28
- Anikha Greer: 4:29
Note: These results were highlighted during the live announcement of 25.2. YouTube+4YouTube+4CrossFit Games+4
Workout 25.3: A Comprehensive Challenge
Workout Details:
For time, with a 15-minute cap:
- 5 wall walks
- 50-calorie row
- 5 wall walks
- 25 deadlifts (225/155 lb)
- 5 wall walks
- 25 cleans (135/95 lb)
- 5 wall walks
- 25 snatches (95/65 lb)
- 5 wall walks
- 50-calorie row
Equipment Required:
- Barbell with appropriate weights and collars
- Rower (Rogue Echo or Concept2)
- Tape for marking wall walk distances
Top Performers:
Note: As of now, the official results for 25.3 are pending. Athletes have until Monday, March 17, at 5 p.m. PT to submit their scores. YouTube
The 2025 CrossFit Open has once again united the global community, pushing athletes to new heights and setting the stage for the upcoming season. As we await the final tallies and look forward to the next phases of competition, it's evident that the spirit of CrossFit continues to thrive, inspiring individuals worldwide to challenge their limits and embrace the journey of fitness.
For a visual recap of Workout 25.3, check out the official announcement below: